Screenplay template

Warner Brothers screenplay template for Apple Pages

A free custom template for Apple Pages, the free Apple productivity app, designed to help you write in screenplay form ((Warner Brothers format).

The title page is pretty much self-explanatory: you can write your title, credit, and add your contact details. Then, start writing your screenplay using the Text tab to format your script:


  • Action


  • Dialogue

  • Parenthetical


  • SHOT

  • General

The scene index will build up as you fill your script with scenes.

The template uses Courier, the traditional screenplay font, but if you want it to look better, you should use Courier Prime, an open-source font designed by Alan Dague-Greene for John August and Quote-Unquote Apps — you can download it here:

Note This Pages template does little more than help you format in screenplay form. If you want a specific screenwriting and production planning app, CeltX offers a nice set of tools: If you are a Mac user, love minimalism, and prefer distraction-free writing, Slugline is what you need for your screenplay:

(Click on the picture for details)

I need this template to write my script!

You can also get the free Apple Pages template for Screenplay (Cole and Haag model).

Software: Apple Pages

Format: Cole and Haag

Warner Brothers screenplay template for Apple Pages

$ Free